Minggu, 16 September 2012

Download , by Taylor Larimore Mel Lindauer

Download , by Taylor Larimore Mel Lindauer

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, by Taylor Larimore Mel Lindauer

, by Taylor Larimore Mel Lindauer

, by Taylor Larimore Mel Lindauer

Download , by Taylor Larimore Mel Lindauer

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, by Taylor Larimore Mel Lindauer

Product details

File Size: 2011 KB

Print Length: 330 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (August 4, 2014)

Publication Date: August 4, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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I feel very fortunate to have bought this book at the beginning of 2008 and still just a few years after graduating from college. I had finally found myself with a decent job and the ability to start putting away money. I quickly realized I didn't know where to start when it came to retirement savings.Money is something we all have to think about multiple times a day and those decisions have a long lasting effects on our future selves YET most of us don't get a proper education on how to manage our finances!This book got me thinking long term. Do I need to buy the most expensive phone? Do I need a brand new car? Can I put this charge on my credit card and pay it off in full at the end of the month?Maybe my hard earned money is better spent on my future, that one dollar saved today will be $8-$10 when I retire if I instead invest it. It taught me to not get fancy with mutual funds that peel off 1-3% in fees and instead stick to low cost index funds. That little 1% savings on fees over time could mean retiring when I am 55 or having to work another 10 years or more.As the financial crisis was hitting the US in 2008, and the stock market was tanking I was buying. I had quickly paid off my debts and my standard 10% retirement savings per month went to 20%, then 30%. By 2009 I was putting away nearly 50% of my income into my retirement and brokerage accounts.Ten years later I am debt free and in a much better financial situation than my peers. Buy this book, educate yourself and invest in your future.

I first became aware of the power of compound interest from studying guys like Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy. They go on and on about how you need to set aside a certain amount every month/year and let it compound into millions over time. That's fine and well, but I could never really figure out a way to implement the strategy. Safe, predictable returns are next to impossible to come by these days. The Bogleheads and Jack Bogle preach the power of compound interest as well, but they actually provide a way to go about getting it. Investing in low-fee index funds and holding them long-term is the method. This book gives an excellent, detailed rundown of how to implement this kind of investment plan. It has a few more stats and minutiae than I might have liked, but overall it is a solid read. This is a simple strategy, but a very effective one. I encourage you to buy this book if you are tired of complicated investment strategies that get you nowhere and brokerage companies that charge you ridiculous fees. However, be forewarned, it takes a long time to make serious money using this strategy. And by a long time, I mean decades.

One of my "Big 3" books on investing that I think anyone who wants to get into the stock market or investing at all should read. The other two being Fisher's "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits" and, of course, Graham's "The Intelligent Investor". Between the three of them they teach you how to think like a real investor, while offering a few different approaches to the stock market. The three different styles will help educate you on how to make successful long term investments, minimize risk, analyze stocks more accurately, and avoid speculation. Overall this book is a great introductory book, especially for someone coming to the market with no experience.

"Seek and you shall find" is the perfect way for me to describe my experience with this book!Before finding this gem of a book, I was reading several success books this year like "Success Principles" by Canfield, "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" by Hill & Stone, "The Richest Man in Babylon" by Clason, "The Templeton Plan" by Sir Templeton, to name a few. One book led to another and I ended up with "Smart Couples Finish Rich" by David Bach, which led me to Graham's "The Intelligent Investor". I first read Graham's 1972 edition (thanks to LA public library) and was looking for more current examples, so I purchased the 2003 edition with commentaries by Jason Zweig, which proved to be a very worthwhile upgrade.While looking up some things I didn't understand online, I repeatedly came across the bogleheads forum, so I signed up as a free member and asked a question. The bogleheads were so helpful that I not only got my question answered, but also understood that the people there were genuinely trying to help. One of the bogleheads led me to a forum page which had book recommendations, so I purchased the kindle edition of this book.And the moment I started reading the book, I knew this book had the answers for most of my questions. I finished reading it in two days! I just wanted to do this homework done asap and take care of my 401(K)s and IRAs. I had done a big timing mistake six years ago and went highly conservative (80% bonds, 10% stocks and 10% REITs). Luckily it was before the crash, so I had netted some profits, but I waited too long to get in to stocks again. Then I changed jobs and never paid attention! And the stock market had its best bull run for the past 5 years (no one told me!)! Wish I had put my money in a target retirement fund and went to sleep, but that wasn't the case :-(This excerpt from the book sums it all up about the authors and this book:"We have no hidden agendas. We aren't financial planners or money managers looking for clients. We don't have a high-powered, get-rich-quick weekend seminar to sell you. We are all well over 70 years of age, financially secure, and haven't missed a meal yet. If you want to read the book at the bookstore, the library, or borrow it from a friend, that's fine with us."So you are not getting a book that just skims a few things and then asks you to look into the authors' other books or their youtube channel or sign up for their weekly digest!The book begins with a quick introduction on the philosophy of borrowing vs. spending vs. saving and investing. The initial chapters have some valuable general advice (like car buying and running a part-time business, for example). But the main content is all about sound investing principles, facts and strategies. The book also discusses enough about taxes, which a lot of investing books seem to just skim or totally ignore. There is also enough material covering how to manage one's emotions when investing. I found some of the material to be like "Ben Graham Simplified".This is one of the very few books that has the guts to not lick the boots of network marketing businesses. (I have personally wasted a lot of my time and money in one such business.) Most other "success authors" would like to sell their books to network marketing businesses in bulk, so they mostly praise some company or the other. My personal experience coincides with those of the authors in that you are better off financially by staying away from network marketing businesses. If you are business-minded, the authors recommend running a business you are really passionate about which coincides with your interests, education and/or experience. Couple the income you produce from your job and/or business with the investing principles explained in this book, you will have a solid plan and a financially successful life!

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